Une étape importante dans le rapprochement entre Pyongyang et Moscou
Konstantin Asmolov,
Une délégation du Parti du travail de Corée, conduite par Li Hi Yong, membre du Bureau politique du Comité central du PTC, secrétaire du Comité central et président de la Commission centrale de révision du parti, est arrivée à Moscou pour une visite de haut niveau à l'invitation du parti au pouvoir, « Russie unie ».
Chronique de la visite
Li Hi Yong est arrivé à Moscou le 17 février, répondant à l'invitation de la direction de « Russie unie ».
Something Nutty Emerging Here
Richard D. Wolff & Michael Hudson: Trump’s Economic Plan Failing?
Nima Trump Eco Policy Feb 27 2025
NIMA ALKHORSHID: Hi, everybody. Today is Thursday, February 27, 2025 and our friends Richard Wolff and Michael Hudson are back with us. Welcome back.
RICHARD WOLFF: Thank you. Glad to be here.
NIMA ALKHORSHID: Let's get started with what's going on in Germany. People wanted some sort of change in terms of domestic and foreign policies of Germany.
Soit Zelensky «conclut un accord», soit les États-Unis «s'en lavent les mains», avertit Trump
Rencontre Trump-Zelensky : derrière l'humiliation, le récit d'un sabotage
publié le 12/03/2025 Par Paul Fernandez-Mateo
La vive passe d'armes verbale entre Volodymyr Zelensky, Donald Trump et J.D. Vance, lors de la visite du président ukrainien à la Maison-Blanche le vendredi 28 février, a rapidement fait le tour du monde. Pourtant, le traitement médiatique et politique qui en a été fait relève d'une forme insidieuse de malhonnêteté intellectuelle, qui fausse la lecture de ce qui s'est réellement passé ce jour-là entre les trois hommes.
Arthur Koestler and the Generation of Adventure
By Ira Katz
March 12, 2025
The intellectual and moral level of European elites is shockingly low. I say shockingly because as an American I found the European (and British) accents gave a very sophisticated quality to their discourse. Now, after living in France for almost twenty years, they sound as idiotic as the typical US senator. See the recent Macron and Baerbock speeches as prime examples of this descent.
Tucker and Chris Cuomo Debate Jfk/epstein Files, Doge, Joe Rogan, Nato, Transgenderism, and Dei
By Tucker Carlson
March 12, 2025
Tucker and Chris Cuomo Debate JFK/Epstein Files, DOGE, Joe Rogan, NATO, Transgenderism, and DEI
Tucker and Chris Cuomo Debate JFK/Epstein Files, DOGE, Joe Rogan, NATO, Transgenderism, and DEI
President Trump, Where Are Those Long-Secret Jfk Records?
By Jacob G. Hornberger
The Future of Freedom Foundation
March 12, 2025
It has now been two months since Donald Trump assumed the presidency. The question naturally arises: Where are those long-secret JFK Records that he repeatedly promised to release to the American people? Or to be more precise, why are those long-secret JFK records still secret? What's up with the delay, President Trump?
After all, it takes about one minute to write and sign an executive order that states as follows: "I, President Donald Trump, hereby order the CIA, the FBI, the Pentagon, the National Archives, the Secret Service, and all other federal entities to immediately disclose all records, files, documents, films, and other matters relating to the assassination of President John F.
Going Cold Turkey in Our Addiction Economy
By Charles Hugh Smith
March 12, 2025
We're prone to addiction, and addiction is highly profitable. They know it, and we know it.
We inhabit an Addiction Economy. We all know the cure for addiction is to go Cold Turkey: drop the denial and delusion of control, and excise the source of the addiction from one's life.
This is of course not easy; it's agony on multiple fronts, for we've come to depend on the source of addiction for dopamine hits, pain management, and distraction from our troubles and travails.
Did Covid Nearly Start a Revolution?
By J.B. Shurk
American Thinker
March 12, 2025
Let's revisit the tumultuous second half of 2021. Dementia-addled President Joe Biden executed a disastrous retreat from Afghanistan in August that resulted in the killing of thirteen servicemembers. Having spectacularly failed America's warfighters, he transitioned quickly to the ongoing "fight against COVID."
No cost was too great or burden too onerous in the federal government's war against microscopic organisms.
«Menace russe», dissuasion nucléaire française, guerre douanière américaine - ce qu'il faut retenir du discours d'Emmanuel Macron
The French Despite Clear Warning Brought the Camp of the Saints to France
By Paul Craig Roberts
March 12, 2025
France is dying. It is a piecemeal death. One business district at a time. One neighborhood at a time. A restaurant, a business, a theater, a hotel here and there. Each death so sad but survivable. But as the piecemeal deaths mount, they become an aggregate, and now France is dying. See here.
Jean Raspail warned the French in clear language in 1973 that the open borders acceptance of immigrant-invaders meant the death of France.